What we offer

Nous offrons une large gamme de services juridiques au Belize. Veuillez nous indiquer ce que vous recherchez pour commencer:

Propriété Immobilière

Je suis intéressé par l’achat d’un immeuble ou d’un terrain au Belize.

Entreprises internationales

Je souhaite ouvrir une entreprise au Bélize, une LLC ou un compte bancaire privé au Bélize.


Je souhaite prendre ma retraite au belize


Je voudrais protéger mon patrimoine au bélize

Autres services légaux

J’ai besoin d’une aide juridique pour un autre problème juridique.

Why choose Wrobel & Co? 

Let us Count the ways:


We live in Belize, so we know the lay of the land in our country. Have you visited our office? We have a spectacular view of the Caribbean Sea!


We're a law firm, so we know the ins and out of the legal system here.


We're big enough to get you what you need when you need it ... but we are small enough that you'll be treated as valued customer and friend.


We're available Monday through Friday from 8 - 5pm CST to answer any questions you may have in a friendly, professional manner.


Contact us anytime by email or message on chat, and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.

Have we mentioned that we're extremely likable people?

How can we help you?

Contact us info@lawbelize.bz


+(501) 223-1013
USA (646) 559-6757


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Find Us

111 North Front Street
Seaside Suite 201
Marine Terminal
Belize City, Belize

Belize real estate lawyer Belize international llc

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