It’s a question our law firm receives fairly often in the context of Belize retirement: does Belize have modern medical facilities?

If you’re thinking about retiring in Belize or anywhere else, the questions is relevant. You’re probably leaving a more developed place for a calmer, more enjoyable lifestyle in a less developed place. But you can’t sacrifice your health.

Fortunately, you don’t have to. Belize does have modern private and public medical care facilities. Eight public hospitals and many clinics can be found throughout the country, and anybody can receive treatment at these locations (residents and foreigners alike, whether they have health insurance or not).

Belize City has two primary private hospitals: Belize Medical Associates and Belize Healthcare Partners. Considered the best in Belize, these hospitals offer services including Pharmacy, Radiology, Laboratory and Operating Theatre, Pediatrics, Neurology, Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics, Gastroenterology and Urology services. The cost for a consultation at private medical facilities is inexpensive, and the cost for a consultation at public medical facilities is either free or very inexpensive.

Belize has modern medical facilities, yes, but if you have or develop a serious issue (cancer, for instance), the hospitals here do not meet developed world standards in Europe or North America. Foreign embassies (for instance, the U.S. embassy) recommend that foreigners verify their medical coverage, especially catastrophic medical coverage and medical evacuation, before traveling to Belize.

Want to learn more? Our Belize retirement attorneys are at the ready to provide any information you might need to consider retirement in Belize or relocation to Belize.  Click here to contact a Belize retirement lawyer today.


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