La Ruta Maya and Retiring in Belize

La Ruta Maya and Retiring in Belize

Congratulations to Rudolph Gentle, Pernell Flowers & Timoteo Vanegas of Team Print Belize/Wrobel & Co. (in white below) who came in 2nd place in the Master’s category at La Ruta Maya. Keep up the strong paddling! There are many special events in Belize for...
Economic Bright Spots Amid the Global Storms

Economic Bright Spots Amid the Global Storms

The first month of the year has featured continued stagnation in Europe, a free fall in the price of oil, and capital flight from emerging markets.  The epicenter of these problems has been China. For the past year, the economic picture in China has been becoming...
Asset Protection and Wealth Preservation in Belize

Asset Protection and Wealth Preservation in Belize

As the year draws to a close, people often reflect on the past with an eye to the future. Today, our Belize law office wishes you well and hopes you had a wonderful 2015.  Our Belize attorneys also would like to offer assistance if you are wondering about how to...
Belize real estate lawyer Belize international llc

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