Litigation in Belize
Our law firm partners with a seasoned attorney to ensure your litigation needs are met.
Litigation is the process of taking a case to a court of law so that a judgement can be made and your interests can be protected. Our law firm can get you started on a variety of litigation matters.
Personal Injury Claims (Tort Law)
We assist clients with personal injuries claims, negligence claims, nuisance claims, public law tort claims, conversion claims, and other novel tort claims.
Debt Collection
We assist clients with debt collection efforts, both in Belize and in other jurisdictions.
Contract Disputes
We assist clients with contractual disputes and resulting litigation.
Fraud and Asset Recovery
Unfortunately, Belize is home to a variety of scams that intend to defraud people. Our firm has dealt with many of these matters and assisted clients in finding resolution.
We have also assisted outside counsel in the recognition in Belize of foreign receivership orders and the enforcement in Belize of foreign judgments.
Why choose Wrobel & Co for your Litigation Needs?
let us Count the ways:
We live in Belize, so we know the lay of the land in our country.
We’re a law firm with more than a decade of experience, so we know the ins and out of the legal system here
The Belize ligitation lawyer we partner with has decades of experience, so she is well-positioned to protect your interests.
We’re big enough to get you what you need when you need it … but we’re small enough that you’ll be treated as valued customer and friend
We’re available Monday-Friday from 8 – 5pm CST to answer any questions you may have in a friendly, professional manner.
Contact us anytime by email or message on chat, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours
How can we help you?
Contact us

+(501) 223-1013
USA (646) 559-6757
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Find Us
111 North Front Street
Seaside Suite 201
Marine Terminal
Belize City, Belize
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