When people ask themselves, Why retire in Belize?, the answers are plentiful.  Belize is a beautiful Caribbean country with white sandy beaches, Mayan ruins, and tropical getaways.  English is the first language. There is a history of political and economic stability.  Belize has laws which have created a tax-free, confidential, investment friendly environment.  All of this is certainly true.  (Learn more here.)

One thing that perhaps is sometimes overlooked?: the people!

The people in Belize are truly awesome. Often referred to as a “melting pot,” it’s impossible to visit Belize and come away with an impression of one group as a majority.  Major ethnic groups include Caucasians, Creoles, Mestizos, Mayas, Garifunas, East Indians, Arabs, Chinese, and Spanish. (Fortunately, almost everybody speaks English.)  And in a sense “melting pot” is a bit of a misnomer, because each group has kept its distinct personality.

This unique, diverse mix is also evident in Belizean culture – the people are fun-loving yet industrious and hard-working. Everybody can feel at home.

Belize showcases its culture through a wide array of events across the country such as the Cashew Fest in Crooked Tree, the CacaoFest in Punta Gorda, the Deer Festival in the Mayan Village of San Antonio in Toledo, San Jose Succotz Fiesta, three different lobster festivals, Garifuna Settlement Day, La Ruta Maya (which our Belize law firm was happy to participate in this year), and many more.  Individually, these local festivals highlight the special traits of each village and people; collectively, they highlight the dynamic cultural diversity of Belize.

Naturally, each group has its own culinary scene.  For instance, have you ever tried Boil Up?  Boil Up is a Belizean gumbo made with yams, cassava, tomatoes, onions, sweet potatoes, fish, pig’s tail, water, salt, pepper, dough, eggs, plantains, and bananas. And it’s delicious.  Just one of the many culturally unique things Belize has to offer.

As Prime Minister Dean Barrow noted in his Independence Day Speech a couple of weeks ago, “Strong  and  resilient and  anchored  by  certain  enduring fundamentals with which the bounty of this land, the native brightness of our people and the richness of our culture have blessed us.”

We agree.  Belizeans are a huge reason Belize is so special.  Our law firm is proud to be part of the community.

There is so much to love about this country.  Please be sure to visit our Belize FAQ and Belize Resources pages for helpful information.

And if you have any questions about why Belize might be right for you, please contact us today to speak with a Belize attorney who wants to link you with a better life.

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