Belizean Limited Liability Companies (Belizean LLCs)
Belizean Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are one of the newest enhancements to Belize’s corporate sector.
Belize LLCS offer the advantages of a corporation and the advantages of a partnership without the disadvantages of either, coupled with a jurisdiction in Belize that is known for financial privacy, high flexibility, and no foreign exchange limitations, among other things.
Owners of Belize LLCs have minimal liability; the structure of LLCS is meant to minimize lawsuits by imposing a significant financial burden on individuals or entities attempting to institute legal actions against the assets of a Belizean LLC. This is meant to deter anyone from bringing a lawsuit against a Belizean LLC or its assets, members, or managers.
Key Benefits For Forming a LLC in Belize
Core benefits of a Belizean LLC include:
- Ease of formation by anyone, regardless of nationality.
- Modern asset protection, and best-in-class privacy measures.
- Low government fees.
- Formations can be completed within days.
- Exemption from income tax, capital gains tax, dividend tax, etc.
- No annual requirements. No requirements to provide audits or visit Belize for meetings.
- Belizean LLC companies can keep their accounting records in any location, even outside the country.
- No legal requirements to disclose the identity of beneficial owners or founders of a Belizean LLC.
- High level of financial privacy. Your details can be kept out of all government registers as per your wishes.
How to set up a Belizean LLC
Our professionals at Wrobel & Co., Attorneys-at-law can help you form a Belizean LLC. The process involves three key steps:
- Confirmation of company name
The process starts with choosing and then confirming your LLC company name. This will have to be submitted to the Companies Registry. Foreign investors can choose any name they please in any language.
This will be confirmed so long as the name:
- meets local requirements
- does not contain prohibited names, and
- does not infringe an existing company name
- Preparation of company documents
This process involves the preparation of important constitutive company documents such as Memorandum of Articles of Association.
This process will usually be handled by your Belizean attorney. It’s essential that this be handled by competent and experienced hands.
- Submission of documents
After the documents have been properly drawn up, they’ll have to be submitted to the Companies Registry for registration. Your new LLC will be formed after this.
If you want to open a corporate bank account after your LLC has been incorporated, we can assist with that as well. Click here to learn more.
Bottom Line
Belizean LLCs should be high on your list of priorities if you’re looking for an international corporate option.
Along with its asset protection and wealth management advantages, the flexibility of the Belize LLC Act means you can form a Belizean International LLC for a variety of purposes. Management and maintenance of the company are also devoid of complex requirements. You will not even need to visit Belize to incorporate an LLC.
Our professionals boast a robust knowledge and experience of the Belize legal and financial systems. We’re available to answer any questions you may have about Belizean International LLCs. Contact us today to get started.
Legal System: Common Law
Shelf Companies Available: Yes
Non-English Company Name allowed: Yes
Time to Incorporate: 2-5 Days
Change in Domicile Permitted: Yes
Taxation on Profits: No
Exchange Controls: No
Corporate Requirements
Minimum Members: 1
Minimum Managers: 1
Duration: Perpetual
Limited Liability: Yes
Location of Meetings: Anywhere
Corporate Managers Permitted: Yes
Administration: Anywhere
Local Requirements
Registered Office/Agent: Yes
Company Secretary: No
Manager: No
Meetings: No
Public Filings
Managers: No
Members: No
Beneficial Owners: No
Accounts: No
Annual Requirements
Minimum Government Fee: US$150
Annual Return: No
Accounts: Yes
Audited Accounts: No

Why choose Wrobel & Co?
let us Count the ways:
We live in Belize, so we know the lay of the land in our country. Have you visited our office? We have a spectacular view of the Caribbean Sea!
We’re a law firm, so we know the ins and out of the legal system here
We have more than a decade of experience with the offshore sector and the establishment of Belize offshore companies
We’re big enough to get you what you need when you need it … but we are small enough that you’ll be treated as valued customer and friend
We’re available Monday through Friday from 8 – 5pm CST to answer any questions you may have in a friendly, professional manner.
Contact us anytime by email or message on chat, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours
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111 North Front Street
Seaside Suite 201
Marine Terminal
Belize City, Belize
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